*Brian Wilcox. "Effortless Presence". Flickr.
The "path," which strictly speaking is not a path from somewhere to somewhere, is only to welcome, to be open to the truth, the I am. When you have once glimpsed your real nature it solicits you. There is therefore nothing to do, only be attuned to it as often as invited. There is not a single element of volition in this attuning. It is not the mind which attunes to the I am but the I am which absorbs the mind.
*Jean Klien. I Am.
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Presence is effortless, for Presence does not do anything to be or to become anything. Becoming happens, Presence is the potential of happening. This does not mean Presence does not act, creation is the doing of Presence. Creation did not merely happen, creation is happening. Yet, Presence acts spontaneously, for acting from Itself; being true to Itself, being real, being free of any alteration, Presence is. Everything is an act of Presence, one with Presence in its particular essence and, so, finds harmony in acting in and from fellowship with Presence ~ this is as true for a rock as a human. Any volition in this harmony is so free of thinking as usually understood, one can question whether it can be called thinking, at all. Indeed, as you cannot think who you are into being, you cannot think your way into being being one with itself in either thought or action, or one with its Source in either.
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Enlightenment, liberation, salvation, reconciliation, justification, innocence, self-realization, and realization are words that have been used to speak of this return to Presence. Yet, I am confidant many persons have returned to Presence, persons who would have no designated vocabulary, psychological or religious or spiritual, to speak of such a return. In fact, the pursuit of the experience such words represent can hinder the return, which is the movement of Presence to the foreground of consciousness. One reason for this hindrance is we may be effortful in the pursuit of effortless Presence, and it is, then, our efforts, aggressive and acquisitive in nature, that blocks the experience that is, again, of the Something effortless. Dropping language to refer to this immediate experience may, at some point, help us in calming our aggressiveness and, so, relaxing with the process.
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This effortfulness is, generally, inescapable in our first movements to recover this something, or Something, we feel was lost. Part of the journey Home is the relaxation of efforts, so the Effortless can appear, even though it was never absent.
We know midday, the Sun is present. The Sun is seen, once clouds part. No one can make the Sun appear. What is already is. And that the Sun is not seen does not arise from the nature of the Sun, is due to the nature of the clouds, does not mean the Sun is not present, for the Sun, being present, cannot be not-present, more present, less present.
So, Presence.
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